Submission > Instruction
Submission papers: OLA 2020 accepts submissions in two different formats. - S1: Extended abstracts of work-in-progress and position papers of a maximum of 3 pages - S2: Original research contributions of a maximum of 10 pages (12 pages in Springer format) Important dates Extended submission deadline Oct 4, 2019 Notification of acceptance Nov 16, 2019 Proceedings: Accepted papers in categories S1 and S2 will be published in the proceedings that will be available at the conference. In addition, best accepted S2 papers (according to reviews) will be published in Springer proceedings. Some special issues of indexed journals are also organized after the conference: Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier, IF 4,873), Applied Sciences (MDPI, open access, IF 2,217), Algorithms (MDPI, open access, best papers will be published for free). Proposals of invited sessions
General information: - Only PDF is accepted - Please use the following format file to submit:
S2 papers can be submitted in either format for review, but for those authors who want to opt for Springer CCIS proceedings the camera ready version of their paper must follow the Springer format (with a maximum length of 12 pages). Submit your paper through the link http://ola2020.sciencesconf.org/user/submissions Detailled information: Before submitting your paper, please read these instructions carefully. 1. Registration of a new user Please register on the link http://ola2020.sciencesconf.org/user/createaccount (you will receive an email to activate your account) Once logged on your account, click on the link “My submissions” and then on the button “Submit a paper” 2. You must include in the on-line submission form the following information: